
在路由器上配置SS!手把手打造自己的外贸路由器、智能翻墙路由器,Newifi Y1s刷Padavan固件手把手教程

2020-4-25 更新 —  新版教程 路由器运行v2ray让所有局域网设备自动翻墙,打造2.0版翻墙路由器 已经发布,建议参考那一篇,这一篇教程发布于2年前,很多信息已不再有效。


接上文 电脑小白使用Shadowsocks搭建翻墙服务器傻瓜式手把手教程

搬瓦工性价比套餐基本都无货,可以看下Krypt Ion的机器,正在做圣诞优惠活动






联想 newifi 新路由1 1200Mbps智能无线路由器 三USB口 千兆LAN口 11AC双频 京东链接,查了其历史价格,最低到过99元,现在199元的价格很坑爹!京东的服务不值这接近一半的差价!

联想newifi新路由 Y1S 淘宝链接。在这选一家购买吧,省一点。

本来想推荐我在用的Newifi Mini的,可惜那个下市了。 Newifi Mini用下来印象不错,所以还推荐买它家的机型。

Y1S相比Newifi mini会更强点, 它默认是百兆wan 2x千兆lan 2x百兆lan,刷完固件后我们能把它变成千兆wan x1,千兆lan x1 百兆lan x3,更适合一点。



折腾学习openwrt的测试路由是网件Netgear WNR3500L V1,这个路由也算当年的一个经典型号,配置如下

Broadcom BCM4718A@453MHz
4 x 1千兆LAN口
1 USB2.0

这是网件的开源路由,各大路由系统DD-WRT OPENWRT TOMATO等都有支持。

在折腾的过程中,发现MAC地址丢失了,表现为mac地址为 00:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF ,这个问题曾经困扰了我很久,试了很多办法都不能把它改回来,走了很多弯路。



1、 无论你现在使用的是什么版本的固件,请把它刷回官方固件。
2、 下载网件的telnetenalbe,把telnetEnable.exe解压到你的个人文件夹(省去cd到目录或者加patch的麻烦)。
3、 WIN键+R 打开运行 输入 CMD 打开CMD 输入如下命令 telnetenable.exe 00FFFFFFFFFF Gearguy Geardog IP为你路由IP,请做相应更改,最后两参数为用户名密码,注意大小写。
4、 再另外打开一个CMD窗口, telnet 登录上去
5、 输入如下命令更改MAC

cd /sbin
burnethermac 设备原MAC地址
reboot #重启退出后门模式



DC112a v1: Works with UDP of version TelnetEnable and adminstration admin/pw, telnet does not require password.
DGN1000v3: Router Firmware Version V1.0.0.14_0.0.14 works, gives access to a BusyBox console w/o authentication
DGND3700v1/DGND3800B: < works with original telnetenable over TCP; >= works with any telnetenable patched for UDP
EX2700: firmware V1.0.1.8 works, gives access to root shell w/o authentication (telnetenable listens on UDP/23)
EX6100: Works with original telnetenable (TCP/23) with credentials super_username/super_passwd (not admin/password as one might think) or Gearguy/Geardog or both. Sometimes it doesn’t unlock with first attempt (parser_enable?)
R6700: V1.0.0.2_1.0.1 Tested and working with modified python script of telnetenable.
R7000: Assumed to be working with modified python script of telnetenable, and modified telnetenable binary for linux x86-64. V1.0.4.30_1.1.67 & V1.0.7.2_1.1.93 tested working with linux telnetenable from insaneid github using web GUI credentials. Doesn’t work with super_username & super_passwd nvram variables that are still present. Changing them does nothing. The telnet login ignores credentials (telnet -l username router_ip).
R7500: V1.0.0.82 Tested and working with modified python script of telnetenable, and modified telnetenable binary for linux x86-64.
WG602 (unknown version): assumed to work
WGR614 v1-2: unknown; may work
WGR614 v3,v4,v5,v6: known to work
WGR614 v7: known to work (if it does not work for you, try to hard reset your router first)
WGR614 v8 (WGR614L): works, access to a BusyBox console without authentication
WGR614 v9: works, gives access to a BusyBox console without authentication
WGR614 v10: works, gives access to a BusyBox 0.60.0 console without authentication
normally uses the old TCP utility
the latest WNR1000v3 OEM firmware ( modified (board id hex edited) uses the UDP utility
WGT624 (unknown version): assumed to work
WGT624 v2, v3: works
WGT624 V3H1: works (after 6-12 try, reboot, try again cycles)
WN3000RP v1: works; does not require username/password for login, but necessary for telnetenable (Geardog/Gearguy)
WNDR3300 : works. Does not require username/password for login. On connection the ‘#’ prompt is displayed.
WNDR3400v2 v1.0.0.16_1.0.34 works; does not ask for username/password on login. On connection you should be dropped on a ‘#’ prompt.
WNDR3700 V1.0.7.98: known to work – does not ask for username/password. After connection you will be root at BusyBox v1.4.2.
WNDR3800 v1.0.0.16 Tested with the python script of telnetenable.
WNDR4000 v1.0.0.88 works. Does NOT ask for username/password on login. On connection you should be dropped on a ‘#’ prompt.
WNDR4300 V1.0.1.30/34/42 works with the python script. Does NOT ask for username/password on login. On connection you should be dropped on a ‘#’ prompt.
WNDR4500 V1.0.1.40 works with the python script. Does NOT ask for username/password on login. On connection you should be dropped on a ‘#’ prompt.
WNR1000 v1-2: works; does not require username/password for login. On connection the ‘#’ prompt is displayed.
WNR1000 v3: works using the new UDP utility with GUI user/password, using latest OEM firmware
did not work initially, only having performed a GUI reset after upgrading firmware to latest
BusyBox 0.60.0 worked after a hard reset (power on holding reset button until lights flash)
firmware prior to latest was not tested, but expect the old TCP utility was required, per WGR614v10
WNR2000 v4: works; does not require username/password for login. On connection the ‘#’ prompts is displayed.
WNR2200 v1: works; does not require username/password for login. Uses Gearguy/Geardog and the old TCP method. Displays OpenWrt header on connect (stock firmware)
WNR3500 v1.0.29: works; does not ask for username/password on login. On connection you should be dropped on a ‘#’ prompt.
WNR3500L V1.2.2.44: Works. V1.2.2.48_35.0.55NA: fails. Does NOT ask for username/password on login. Dropped to ‘#’ prompt on connection.
WPN824 v1, V2.0.15_1.0.11: known to work
WPN824 v2: known to work
WPN824 V3: not needed; enable the utelnetd option in Remote Management.

参考 Unlocking the Netgear Telnet Console